
Showing posts from May, 2019

The Girl Who Could See More

The Girl Who Could See More      Ruby had awoken to see that she was in her crib. Yet there was something odd about her crib, it was much larger than normal. Even odder, she had been in her attic, yet everything looked much different than normal. Even though everything pointed towards the worst for the five-year-old, she climbed out of the large crib and headed downstairs.      Once Ruby arrived downstairs, she went to her living room to find her ten-year-old brother, Joseph, lying motionless on the sofa. She moved in front of him to discover that he looked two or three years younger. His were eyes a pure, darker than midnight black. Yet, regardless of this, she cared more about the Annabelle doll he was holding, a doll that belonged to her.      “Joseph?” Ruby asked. Joseph did not respond. “Can I have my doll back?”      “Of course Ruby,” Joseph responded in a robotic and chilling tone. He then forcefully shoved the doll into her hands. “By the way, why are you awake at

Writings of Writing Club #5: Creaks and Whispers

Creaks and Whispers      The wind whistled by, yet the house had no air conditioning, no heating, all the windows were closed, and there were no fans on. Creaks echoed throughout the house; yet there was no one in the house, and it was a new house too. There were no animals either. Whispers seemed to come from the locked room, the loudest room in the house. Yet, there was no one in the room. No windows were open. Sure, it had been the only surviving room after the fire, but it was still only about 10 years old. The rest of the house had been built the year before, the year following the fire. No one knew what caused the fire. There was no proof of the cause being something electrical. It was almost as if the room was haunted, but no one had died in the room. Everyone just believed that it was because the room was a bit older. Yet, if there were no ghosts, no people, no animals, no fans, no air conditioners, no heaters, no open windows, no part of the house that would creak; than w

Writings of Writing Club #4: 32621 Sunshine Lane

32621 Sunshine Lane It was a seemingly normal day at 32621 Sunshine Lane in Cherry, New Hampshire. Well, until, the house disappeared. Not a fire, no dirt in its place. No yard. No nothing. It just looked like a field of weeds and wildflowers. No one noticed, well, accept, for 8 year old Sue Mcgee. Well, she had been 8 when the house disappeared. She was 25 when she finally noticed. She just silently thought to herself: “Didn’t a house used to be there? Well, maybe not, it does look like that weedy field has been there a while.” And with that she went on her way. Still to this day no one knows what happened to 32621 Sunshine Lane in Cherry, New Hampshire. .....................................................................................................................................................................              Sorry this was so short. I'll probably post the short story based on my friend's dream on Tuesday. I also don't really have anythi

Writings of Writing Club #3: The Cabin

I didn’t know where I was going. I couldn’t tell who was after me. All I knew was that I was that someone shouted out my name and that I then got locked into a small cabin. I had been locked in that cabin for what seemed like 2 years. Yet, when I finally broke out, it was only slightly different weather. When I was kidnapped, it had been summer. Now, it looked like it was maybe October or November. Back to the point, I was at this point in a forest. Just running straight away from the criminal little cabin. I raced away, getting quickly out of breath. Every now and then I swore I heard the crunch of leaves from behind me, but I just continued to run away. Sometimes, I thought I saw someone moving, but then when I slowed down to investigate, it was just a tree or a deer. Some bushes had cut me and I had tripped a few times. I hadn’t slept in a long while. The weird thing with the cabin was that I would go to sleep, in hopes that I would end up just waking up, and I would discove

Writings of Writing Club #2: Drama Queen

Drama Queen It was the day before the last day of school and all was going well; well, until Abbigail Treedulhawse was found dead 7th period. It had been Pinelle Smithson who found her, and everyone was blaming Miss Smithson. Smithson had been using the bathroom when she saw an extreme amount of blood on the ground. Pine being Pine, she just thought someone had had a little accident. So, she went over to the locked stall that the blood was oozing out of and knocked. Since there was no answer, you would’ve thought that she’d do the normal, knock again. Yet, Pine being Pine, she decided to break into the stall. How she got in, I don’t know. After all, Pine wasn’t really bright enough to know how to break open a locked stall. Yet, all anyone knew was that the grammar teacher Mrs. Warnour had walked in to see Pinelle Smithson wailing, covered in blood. And right beneath Pinelle was Abbigail Treedulhawse. The next day, people were mourning. Pinelle Smithson was being