The Girl Who Could See More

The Girl Who Could See More
    Ruby had awoken to see that she was in her crib. Yet there was something odd about her crib, it was much larger than normal. Even odder, she had been in her attic, yet everything looked much different than normal. Even though everything pointed towards the worst for the five-year-old, she climbed out of the large crib and headed downstairs.
    Once Ruby arrived downstairs, she went to her living room to find her ten-year-old brother, Joseph, lying motionless on the sofa. She moved in front of him to discover that he looked two or three years younger. His were eyes a pure, darker than midnight black. Yet, regardless of this, she cared more about the Annabelle doll he was holding, a doll that belonged to her.
    “Joseph?” Ruby asked. Joseph did not respond. “Can I have my doll back?”
    “Of course Ruby,” Joseph responded in a robotic and chilling tone. He then forcefully shoved the doll into her hands. “By the way, why are you awake at this hour?”
    “I-I just wanted my doll back.” With that, she rushed back up to the attic. Once she arrived back at the attic, she climbed back into her crib. She then noticed that Joseph was beside the crib. Yet this time, he looked much older, maybe seventeen. His eyes were also back to normal.
     “Joseph?” Ruby confusedly asked.
     “What? And stop talking in that stupid baby voice, you’re twelve,” he responded in a normal voice.
     Ruby turned to see a large mirror in place of where Joseph had been. In the mirror, she could see that half of her face was her then, a normal five-year-old. The other side was a future Ruby, a twelve-year-old Ruby. Ruby awoke, for it had all been a dream.

7 Years Later

Ruby lied awake in bed. It was 1:00 AM and she still couldn’t sleep. She had just remembered a dream she had seven years ago. Her brother’s bedroom lied in the attic now, in which it looked just as it had in the dream. Her brother now looked just as he had in the dream. Now Ruby looked just as she had in the dream; well, except for two little things. Her brown hair was much longer than in the dream and her nose was slightly different in real life.
I hope you enjoyed this story. This is the story based off of my friends dream. I've realized that some of my favourite stories to write are based on dreams. I was going to write this one story based on a bunch of my dreams but now I have another story idea based on a bunch of my dreams but it's way different. Pretty much the deal was that in the original story the characters were just kind of archetypes and I wasn't feeling the story anymore. Also, how I approached beginning to write it just didn't work. It was pretty much going to be about these three kids who travel through all these realms and have to find their way out. The realms were based on my dreams. Yet, when I began coming up with a whole idea thingermerbobber I just went straight to the realms instead of trying to remember what happened in the actual dreams. The new version I want to write I don't want to go straight to the parts based on my dreams. I want to try to remember and deeply summarize a bunch of my dreams first so I can decide A) which I want to use, and B) what parts I want to use. Even as I'm writing this I'm remembering more and more of my dreams. After I get the hang of that process I can make a post about it if y'all'd like. The main problem I see myself having while writing the new version is describing everything. I kinda want it to be like recording your own dreams, because that's something that I wish we could do. I just realized how off topic I just got. The whole reason I originally mentioned the dream story I was going to write is because I wrote a little snippet that I was wondering if any of you would like to read. I personally don't like it, but you guys may find it interesting, so let me know. I also think I'll start using my Instagram to mention when I post on here so people know. I know it's a doll account, but if any of you want to follow it, here's the user: @theamericangirltheory. (No period at the end, I just feel a need to include puntuaction.)

The Author,


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