Writings of Writing Club #3: The Cabin

I didn’t know where I was going. I couldn’t tell who was after me. All I knew was that I was that someone shouted out my name and that I then got locked into a small cabin. I had been locked in that cabin for what seemed like 2 years. Yet, when I finally broke out, it was only slightly different weather. When I was kidnapped, it had been summer. Now, it looked like it was maybe October or November.
Back to the point, I was at this point in a forest. Just running straight away from the criminal little cabin. I raced away, getting quickly out of breath. Every now and then I swore I heard the crunch of leaves from behind me, but I just continued to run away. Sometimes, I thought I saw someone moving, but then when I slowed down to investigate, it was just a tree or a deer. Some bushes had cut me and I had tripped a few times. I hadn’t slept in a long while.
The weird thing with the cabin was that I would go to sleep, in hopes that I would end up just waking up, and I would discover that it was all a dream. Yet, every time I did, I was still in that stupid cabin. Every time I woke up, there had been a small collection of food by where I had been sleeping. It wasn’t like I could just walk around the cabin, I had been locked into a little room that I could walk around in. At first, when I saw the food, I didn’t eat it, out of fear. Yet, eventually I got hungry enough so I just ended up eating it.

Now, it had been 6 months since all of that. I had told the police what had happened, but it was still all a mystery. I don’t remember being kidnapped, all I know was that I had been kidnapped. I don’t know who my family is. Yet, I still have somewhere to live. Hopefully, it will be discovered what happened.

MANY THINGS! 1: I finished Pet Sematary, and it was AMAZING. Secondly, did y'all see the IT Chapter 2 trailer, I'm soooo pumped. EEEEEKKKKK!!!!!!!! Also has anyone else watched the new Ted Bundy thing on Netflix (I forgot the name) because I thought it was great. I really enjoyed seeing a different perspective than normal. Also, if any of you want to tell anyone about this blog feel free to, I want to be able to expand and such. If I can inspire people through this blog, then I want to do so. I feel like people who read my other blog and then come to this one must be so confused, I mean there I try to be a little more "colourful and cheery" For instance, on my other blog I don't rant about horror and write about people escaping after being kidnapped. Another reason I want more readers for this blog is because if (get ready for a lil' AG rant) American Girl isn't doing any accidental leaking or if they keep making less money, I'll just keep posting there less. I try to have a very different audience there than here. If people from that blog come here, and that's the only people there are, I feel like this'll start veering into American Girl territory, and I don't want that. So, if you know anyone who you think would maybe like this blog, feel free to tell them about it!

The Author,


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