Writings of Writing Club #2: Drama Queen

Drama Queen
It was the day before the last day of school and all was going well; well, until Abbigail Treedulhawse was found dead 7th period. It had been Pinelle Smithson who found her, and everyone was blaming Miss Smithson.

Smithson had been using the bathroom when she saw an extreme amount of blood on the ground. Pine being Pine, she just thought someone had had a little accident. So, she went over to the locked stall that the blood was oozing out of and knocked. Since there was no answer, you would’ve thought that she’d do the normal, knock again. Yet, Pine being Pine, she decided to break into the stall. How she got in, I don’t know. After all, Pine wasn’t really bright enough to know how to break open a locked stall. Yet, all anyone knew was that the grammar teacher Mrs. Warnour had walked in to see Pinelle Smithson wailing, covered in blood. And right beneath Pinelle was Abbigail Treedulhawse.

The next day, people were mourning. Pinelle Smithson was being questioned by police. Mrs. Warnour was being viewed as a witness,,, for some reason. Yet, as people were filing in, someone annoying 6th grader named Michob Bqwetry spotted Miss Treddulhawse roaming the halls. She didn’t seem out of the ordinary, she seemed entirely normal. Expect for the fact that her skin looked a little red.

Now, Michob being Michob, he didn’t tell anyone anything. It wasn’t until 6th period, when the history teacher Mr. Bevwert noticed Miss Treedulhawse in class.
Now, much happened that day, more than what usually happened in the town filled with absolutely idiotic citizens. To sum it all up, Abbigail Treedulhawse and the drama teacher, Ms. Huei, decided it would be funny to fake Abbigail’s death. Now, St. Bgreiu being the town it was, no one got in trouble.


  So, I'll probably post again wither today or tomorrow. Also, my friend did say that I could post the story based on her dream, I don't remember if I already said that. I also just came up with another idea for a story, so I'll soon be working on that. I threw this story together in like 45 minutes with no earlier planning and absolutely no inspiration. Also, yes, the characters' last names are pretty much just key smashes. In writing club I was also explaining how if I can't come up with a name for a character I just look outside I pretty much just name them after the first plant I see. I'm sure some of y'all are questioning what's happening here because it's so slopped together, so feel free to ask questions in the comments.

The Author,


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