Writings of Writing Club #5: Creaks and Whispers

Creaks and Whispers

     The wind whistled by, yet the house had no air conditioning, no heating, all the windows were closed, and there were no fans on. Creaks echoed throughout the house; yet there was no one in the house, and it was a new house too. There were no animals either. Whispers seemed to come from the locked room, the loudest room in the house. Yet, there was no one in the room. No windows were open. Sure, it had been the only surviving room after the fire, but it was still only about 10 years old. The rest of the house had been built the year before, the year following the fire. No one knew what caused the fire. There was no proof of the cause being something electrical. It was almost as if the room was haunted, but no one had died in the room. Everyone just believed that it was because the room was a bit older. Yet, if there were no ghosts, no people, no animals, no fans, no air conditioners, no heaters, no open windows, no part of the house that would creak; than what was it? A monster? All of a sudden, a footstep was heard throughout the empty house. But who could have heard it? A girl, around the age of 10, walked in to explore. The house had been empty for a year. Yet, it still had seemed to be cared for. No dust or scratch, and like mentioned before, no animal or insect. It had stayed empty of the known creature for a year until the girl walked in. Her footsteps and breaths echoed throughout the house. And then, the next day, everyone wondered where she had gone. Just like the family who had lived in the house when there was the fire. Just like the family who moved into the house after the fire. She vanished, and was never seen or heard from again. 

            Sorry I haven't posted any actual short story yet, I will tomorrow or Thursday. Also sorry I didn't post a Writings of Writing Club post last week, I had to study for finals. Apparently the trailer for The Goldfinch is coming out tomorrow and I'm PUMPED. Have I read the book? No. Do I want to read the book? Yes. Do I want to finish reading IT first? Yes. Again, like I've said waaayyyyy too many times by now, if you know of anyone who you think would perhaps like this blog, feel free to tell them about it! I want to share my writing with people, and that's kind of hard to do when not many people know about this blog. I also just realized while writing this that I forgot to do a monthly update, so I may just wait until next month, not really anything happened after all. 

The Author,


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