Writings of Writing Club #4: 32621 Sunshine Lane

32621 Sunshine Lane
It was a seemingly normal day at 32621 Sunshine Lane in Cherry, New Hampshire. Well, until, the house disappeared. Not a fire, no dirt in its place. No yard. No nothing. It just looked like a field of weeds and wildflowers. No one noticed, well, accept, for 8 year old Sue Mcgee. Well, she had been 8 when the house disappeared. She was 25 when she finally noticed. She just silently thought to herself:
“Didn’t a house used to be there? Well, maybe not, it does look like that weedy field has been there a while.”

And with that she went on her way. Still to this day no one knows what happened to 32621 Sunshine Lane in Cherry, New Hampshire.
             Sorry this was so short. I'll probably post the short story based on my friend's dream on Tuesday. I also don't really have anything to say here, unlike normal. Also, does anyone have any theories for this one? I kinda just threw it together so therefore I'm not even entirely sure what happened, but I have some ideas. I feel like this one could easily go along with my second Writings of Writing Club post. Now I'm thinking about combining these. Well, if you see my announce a series about these 2 stories later this summer, don't be surprised. My last day of school is Thursday, so I'll be able to post more soon. Again, if you think anyone would enjoy this blog, be sure to share it with them!

The Author,


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