
Showing posts from October, 2019

The Ones Who Never Returned

The Ones Who Never Returned      Once there were a group of girls who went to a Catholic, all-girls, boarding school. They woke up one day, only to discover that they couldn't find anyone. They checked everywhere, there was no sight of them. There were 15 of the girls searching. The next evening, they discovered one of them impaled on a spike of the fence that surrounded their school. The fence was tall, and locked. The girls were always locked in. This is when they realized that they had to find the key, no ladder in that school would be tall enough. There were now 14 girls.       The next evening, while the 14 were eating dinner, a girl died of poisoning. They now realized how bad it really was. They 1st to die hadn't killed herself, she had been murdered. They suspected each other. There were then 13.      3 more died the next day. Stabbed, hung, and shot. None of the remaining 10 knew who did it.       Then there were 5 more who died the next day. 5 remaine

Tales of Terror Ch. 4

Tales of Terror Ch. 4     It was now October 16th. Casper would be back on the 18th, and then she would tell him what all she had learned. Yes, she could call him, but sitting in that forest and talking was just their thing. Casper had been the one to suggest it. For roughly 2 years, he had been paranoid that someone would listen in on their conversations. She respected him, and she wanted him to feel safe, so she agreed. Thinking on it, Daphne realized that Casper had been doing online school for a month over 2 years. For the first time ever, she began to wonder what had happened 2 years ago that had changed so much. He would have been 11 when he began attending online school, his birthday was October 31st. As much as she wanted to call him to ask, she knew not to.     Daphne walked up to the mansion and rang the bell. There was no answer. She rang again, still no answer. She knocked, no answer. Cautiously, she began to walk around the mansion, and when she reached the back,

The Sounds of 32621 Sunshine Lane

The Sounds of 32621 Sunshine Lane     32621 Sunshine Lane was completely empty that bright June day. No one had come home in a week. Yet, wind rushed through that room occasionally. And in that moment, it was a light breeze. Yet, all of the windows were shut, and the house didn't have any air conditioning. Creeks seemed to come from the floorboards in every spot in that room, yet, no one was in the entire house. Whispers came from the closet, from the floorboards, desk, from it all. Although the house was fairly new, this room had been there for at least 50 years. It had been the only room that had survived the fire. It was seemingly a miracle that the fire hadn't done so much as brush the room. What caused the fire remained a mystery. Suddenly. Footsteps could be heard in the house. A girl stepped in, only 10 years old, she cautiously opened the door to the room. She had only wanted to explore 32621 Sunshine Lane. Yet, she was never heard from.      Then, 16 years lat

Tales of Terror Ch. 3

Tales of Terror Ch. 3       Daphne had finished her work at the mansion for the day. She had said she was going to go back to the library, but that was a lie. She had finished what was on her list for that day quicker than normal, which meant that Fleura allowed her more time to read. Yet, today, she had brought her lock pick. It was two days after her and Casper had talked, and now she wanted more than ever before to know what was up by the organs.        She looked behind her, to make sure she was alone, even though she knew that she was. Fleura would coming to look for her in 20 minutes. She had to be done everyday by 5:30 PM, and normally only ended up having 5 minutes until she had to leave. She had decided to investigate for 10 minutes, and then go to the library and read. She had called Casper the day before, and they both agreed that perhaps that journal was more important than it appeared at first glance. Of course, they both knew deep down that this could just be the

The Abandoned

The Abandoned     Once there were 4 kids, all 14. One day, they decided to go to a museum full of sort of junkyard items, things you'd find somewhere abandoned. They first looked indoors, and then went outdoors to the sheds and weird old rides and such. Once they were done looking, they went to leave, only to discover that they were locked out. It wasn't closing time yet, it was still bright as day. They had arrived in the morning, and it was only 1 PM. Two of them repeatedly tried to unlock the gate, yet it never worked. The other two went back to where you could go back indoors, it was locked as well. They tried to pound on the door for at least 10 minutes, yet no one ever arrived. Eventually, Sallie, one of two girls, found a phone with a number beneath it, that apparently led to the front desk. She dialed the number and heard the following message, that sounded like a woman:       "Welcome to the Museum of Wonders!" the lady on the other end said, cheerfu

Tales of Terror Ch. 2

Tales of Terror Ch. 2      It was October 12th. Daphne had gone off to meet Casper in the woods, on the eastern most side of the city. The city the two lived in was very small, with only about 10,000 people. Of course, the number may sound large to some, but it's really quite small. The mansion was somewhat of a legend in the town, as were many things; yet there were never any stories or histories to go along with them.      Daphne had gone to clean the house the two days after she had first visited the mansion. She hadn't told Casper of what all had happened yet because he had been out of town. He was always out of town; she knew he had his reasons, and that he didn't like to talk about it. He did online school, which made it a lot easier for him, obviously. Daphne had always been the only friend Casper's parents let him have. Again, she didn't know why, but she knew it was better to just simply not ask. The woods was always where the two met to talk about anyt

Lilitu and the Children of the Dark

Lilitu and the Children of the Dark       Lilitu heard an ominous whistling. She was home alone, so the logical thing, in her eyes, was to go and investigate. Then, a high pitched, desperate screech from the attic. Lilitu rushed to the kitchen, grabbing a knife, and then raced to the old, creaky, wooden door in the middle of the living room. Behind the door lied a staircase the led to the attic. She carefully turned the door handle, and then cautiously endeavored up the steps. Opening the door that led directly to the attic... a gust of wind burst out and threw Lilitu down the staircase. Suddenly, it went dark. The light she had turned on when she opened the door at the bottom was out. There had been no flickering. Then, suddenly, a whistling voice said,        "Run. Run. Run while you can."        Lilitu burst out of the door as piercing green eyes had begun to appear at the top of the staircase. She slammed the door shut, ran to the kitchen, grabbed the key, planning

Eyes of the Lioness

Eyes of the Lioness Look, before I start up this story; be prepared for a lot of details. I mean, I know people aren’t going to believe me. Then again, no one really ever believes what I say regardless. If anyone else has had a similar encounter, please let me know. I feel like I’m going crazy, I need some closure on what I witnessed. ~Sydney Look, I like reading, especially fantasy and horror. I always go to read in this little forest about a mile away from my house; enhances the effect of the story. Now, on the way there, there's this little playground. Every now and then, there’ll be this girl there. Around my age, looks like movie Luna Lovegood. I mean, yeah, she’s kooky, always in people’s business. Yet, she had never spoken to me, she would always just do weird things; I’d try to explain it, but I don’t know how to. She must have just had a weird vibe to her or something. I mean, I don’t know why I’m writing in present tense, I haven’t gone to that forest in 3 mon

Tales of Terror Ch. 1

Tales of Terror Ch. 1 The house was a lot larger than Daphne has imagined. She double checked the address she had written. There had been an ad in the newspaper for a part time cleaner at a mansion posted by a Fleura Markenson. Daphne called the number listed, looking for an interview. Now she had arrived. It was 4:00 PM. The date: October 10th, 2018. It was a Victorian age mansion, made of large, reddish-brown bricks. Parts of the bricks were chipped away. This was the main thing Daphne noticed, along with the 30, long, stone steps up to the front doors. The doors were large, a deep brown wood. Daphne cautiously walked up the steps, only stopping once to re-tie her boots. Once she arrived at the front doors, she saw a doorbell surrounded by intricate gold carvings. She clicked the bell once with her left pointer finger, as she had to hold her notebook in the other. She believed that she would have to take notes of where everything was, and what all to know. The door o