A Lil' Bit About Me

   Hello there! I'm Ella, the creator of this blog. I also have a blog on dolls, (it's called The American Girl Theory) and at the moment the American Girl community is fairly dull. So, I decided to create this. In case you don't know me from my other blog, I use the word 'lil' a lot. I'm doing a lil' story on that blog at the moment, but I'm kind of bored of it and such. As you can probably tell by the title of this blog, I love writing. I also may do some book reviews on here if you guys want me to. (Comment if you want me to!) I normally write in 1st person and the main genres I like to write in are fantasy and horror. Now, here are some little fun facts about me!

Currently Reading: Pet Sematary by Stephen King

Top Want to Reads: IT by Stephen King and The Goldfinch by Donna Tartt. (I still need to read the last book of Harry Potter too though.
Current Favorite Book: EVERY. HARRY. POTTER. BOOK. and some other things I don't remember. 
How My Friends Would Describe Me: Energetic, Overly caring, writes too much, likes horror too much.

   Also, I have a question for the people reading this, but first I need to explain a bit. So, if I'm remembering correctly, there's this thing where the creator of the blog can list the blog as only for adults. But here's the thing, I don't know if that means explicit content or 5 year old's shouldn't read it. If someone could let me know in the comments, that would be great. 

   So, I have another lil' dilemma. The first story (I bolded story because it's not just a random Writing Club thing, as I'll later explain.) I want to post is a short story about this girl who witnesses a paranormal encounter. Unlike the story I'm writing on my other blog, I can make multiple chapters quite easily. The ending is made to be added on to. I have enough information on characters to do so. But I'll only do that if you guys like the story. Now, I'm wondering, should I write in this sort of 1st person (ft. lil' excerpt from a different story):

I bolted awake, my nine year old brother, Tommy, just screamed at the top of his lungs. Not like I wasn’t used to this, every Saturday the ice cream truck came at precisely 10:00 AM; which means Tommy yelping of excitement. But today, something was different, he was screaming longer and louder than


Or like this:

I bolted awake, my nine year old brother, Tommy, just screamed at the top of his lungs. Not like I wasn’t used to this, every Saturday the ice cream truck came at precisely 10:00 AM; which means Tommy yelping of excitement. But today, something was different, he was screaming longer and louder than normal. And dear reader, it was not an extra excited sort of jazz, it was genuine dear. And what would follow within my future years would forever shape not only me, but my future friends, who you will meet soon.

If you're getting what I was putting down, would you prefer just the character just recalling to themselves or the character recalling to the reader. The second way would make it seem a lot more like a thread of some sort. I would make it seem more like it happened just the other day that it happened to the character, and it would make it seem a lot more like I really was the character. Tell me what you'd prefer in the comments. Also, I'm probably going to go to my school's writing club on Tuesday, so I'll probably start my Writings of Writing Club series soon. I have a crappy thing I wrote a while back that I'll post tomorrow or Monday. Also, unlike my doll blog, this isn't posting at specific times for the benefit of the reader. This is made to be something that some random 14 year old can read at 1 in the morning. Also, spoiler about that Writing Club thing, the "story" is not at ALL my normal style. I may ask the members of Writing Club for a prompt or something like that. I'm also going to ask my friend tomorrow (we have a school event so I'll try to remember to ask her if she goes) or Monday if I can post a story I wrote inspired by a dream she once had. I'd obviously have to edit more though. I'll post lil' updates and the end of most of my posts. I will still be active on my other blog too, but only once I finally get something to post about. I'll also probably do a monthly update.

The other thing is what I'm trying to have the target audience of this blog be. With my other blog it's more kids ages 11-15. Here it's more 13-16. Also, if you ever have any story ideas for me, feel free to share them in the comments. (Also book recommendations!) Lastly, sorry for not editing this, I'll edit my other posts!

The Author,



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